Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Best Friend

So now that I technically have a deal waiting in the wings... I need to find someone to finalize that deal for me. i.e a Literary Agent. I need someone who speaks 'book'. Because I'm just a writer and God knows, if we could live off inspiration alone, we'd give up our works for free.

I just need SOMEONE to read my creations! That's how we think. That's why agents were born. So that the days of the 'starving artist' become less and less. Those artists didn't starve because no one appreciated them in their time. I think they starved because they were so bent on getting their work out there, that they took whatever offer was presented to them.

'I'll display your painting for the masses to see and be caught up in the magical realism of what you're trying to create.'
'Excellent. What will you pay me?'
'Pay you? But aren't you just satisfied for them to know your name? Sing your praises as you heal their sore souls with your gift?'
Artist thinks for a second (Milli-second). 'You're right. In fact, it would be wrong to charge people for something that I myself was given for free. God might take the gift away.'

You catch the drift. It's how we think. Art is one of those professions that is so difficult to quantify. Which is beautiful in itself... but has also caused so many people to give up, go out there to find 'real jobs'. Especially if you're from a developing country.

But things are changing. Because everyone wants to hear their story told. And African writers are the tools who are right now, telling African stories. It's still got a ways to go... but at least these days, if you say you're a writer, no one looks at you like you're the next homeless person waiting to happen.

And also... agents were born. And these agents are looking for voices from all over the world. New voices, they say, talking about new interesting, original places.

Africa is calling. And I'm at the other end of that phone.

Off I go then... to find my Rainmaker.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Praying for Rain

One of my all time favourite phrases is from the poem by Jonathan Kariara 'Grass will Grow'. He basically says, no matter what happens... we can survive it. He prays to God to 'send a little rain... for grass will grow.'  We can survive anything, he surmises ... except the death of our mind.

I'm a writer... mainly. Writing is my first love. And as all writers know... sometimes, it can be a thank less job. Depending on the industry you're in of course. And when it's not... it can be an uphill task getting your work out there and then, praying against all hope, that something will come out of it.

So... recently... my first novel (that I'm showing to the public) got picked up by a publisher. Yaayy!! But I'm told, from all the countless sites I've trolled through, it's just the beginning of the journey. For starters, publishing is a marathon... not a sprint.

After my celebration, even with slight reservation because who knows whether or not the book will take, I'm settling in for another long haul. It can be depressing to a writer. Especially when doubts start seeping in. Am I on the right track? Did I pick the right publisher? Have I made the right choice? Should I just be thrilled, no matter what the offer is, that someone... ANYONE... thought my work has merit?

All these things rushing through my mind. As I try to tell myself to calm down. Everything is perfect. Everything is alright. All I need to do is breathe and be thankful for how far I've come. And breathe. And be thankful.

And then I think of Kariara's line... 'Send a little rain... for Grass will grow.'

No matter how dismal the situation is or how long you've been searching or how many 'not the right book for our company' etc etc... the treasure isn't in the words on paper. Those can be redone... reworked... perfected. One no means just that, one no. The treasure is you. The writer. Your mind. Your spirit. Your gift. And most of all... your resilience.

I've decided... to start writing this journey now. Because I have a feeling... next year same time... things will have changed immensely in my life. And even if I can think back and write about them, they won't be true of my experience at that very moment.

So this blog... Rain God... is about writing. Finding. Discovering. Going on that journey. The 'How Did They Make It' journey. In real time.

We all have our stories... I hope we share them, often.